Monday 5 November 2012

Galaxy nail art tutorial

This nail art is so easy to do. I was surprised myself at how good the effect is with hardly any effort! It can get a bit messy so put tape around your cuticles first or have some nail varnish remover and cotton buds to hand to clean up afterwards. Here's how I did it...

You'll need a bit of sponge. I cut a small piece off a kitchen sponge. You could also use a makeup sponge or even tissue paper scrunched into a ball. If you use the tissue you'll need a few sheets. You'll also need a selection of 'deep space' colours. I used black as my base colour and then I used a silver glitter (for a starry effect), white, dark blue, light blue and bright purple. You don't have to use these exact colours though, just use similar ones or whatever shades of blues and silvers you have to hand.

Apply a base coat to your nails. If you don't have any use a very pale nail polish. You don't have to use a base coat but it stops your nails from being stained black and blue when you take it off! After you've done your base coat, apply a base colour. I used black but any other dark colour would work.

When your base colour is dry add small blobs of all your colours onto the nail. They don't have to be in any particular order and they don't have to be neat either.

When you've blobbed all your chosen colours onto your nail, dab all over with your sponge. Add more of your colours here and there onto your nail and keep dabbing until you're happy with your effect.

Finally apply a clear top coat or a glitter to finish off. You could even. Paint on a few individual stars with some white or silver polish on the end of a toothpick or dotting tool.

Happy days :)


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