Saturday 25 August 2012

No sleep tonight.

So it's currently 02:40am and there's probably no chance of me getting any sleep! Typically I'll probably manage to drift off just as little legs is waking up.

We had a bit of a scary incident with Scarlett this evening before her bedtime. To cut a long, and quite frankly pretty frightening, story short, she was sick (out of her little nose and mouth bless her) and choked on it. The longest two minutes of our lives was spend rubbing her tiny back trying to get her to breathe properly again. It really scared us but eventually she got there and she was fine. What if it happened after we put her to bed though?! I don't even want to think about that. Anyway, tonight we've put her back in our room as a precaution to make sure she's okay, hence the source of not sleeping. She made a funny noise which woke me up, and now I can't get back to sleep with worry! It's strange how having a child affects you in this was. You get an overwhelming protective urge and instinctively you feel you'd do practically anything to help and protect your little one. Even if it means no sleep all night through sheer worry and lots of checks to make sure they're okay. She'll appreciate this when she's older!

Isn't it crap when you can't sleep? I'm lied here thinking pointless thought after pointless thought and I can't clear my mind at all, arrrrgh! My eyes don't even feel tired! But that's probably because I've been staring at my iPhone writing this for the last 13 minutes. Why am I thinking about stupid things?! I mean, why am I so concerned about what clothes I'll wear tomorrow, about when I should clean the oven tomorrow and about the sheets on the bed in the spare room I need to wash! I hate not being able to sleep. I'm dead warm now too... This is a one leg out job I think. Why don't humans have off switches? Scarlett seems to automatically switch off after 9pm no matter where shes stationed.

How annoying is it when you can't sleep and then you get a song stuck in your head and your mind kind of, has it on repeat? But the bit you repeat is the same part of the song over, and over, and over. I've got 'over my shoulder' by Mike and the Mechanics stuck in my brain and it's all I can think of in the background of mind! I don't even know all the bloody works!

I'm jealous of Bern, he's starfished sleeping like a baby next to me, as if!

Okay so I'm now officially boiling. The solution has been upgraded to two legs out of the duvet. This is getting serious now. Que Celine Dion, "this is serious, THIS IS SEEEERIOUS!!!" I'm gonna try and cleanse my mind and get some sleep.

And now Bern's starting snoring. Fan-!?@&£#%-tastic!!!

Goodnight, I think!


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