Monday, 27 August 2012

Nail art tutorial - gradient/blended/ombré nails

This blended colour design is ridiculously easy to do!  Please give it a go because the results are fab and a real talking point.  Use any colours you like, in this tutorial I used blue and pink because I liked the clash and I thought it they would stand out a bit more for my pictures.  You'll need Base coat or clear nail polish, two (or more if you're feeling ambitious) colours of nail polish and a sponge of any sort...
So first you should apply your base coat or clear polish.  When this is dry paint your nail in the lightest colour.  In my case, pink!
Next you need your sponge.  You can use any kind of sponge you have handy to do this bit.  I used a makeup sponge.  A kitchen or bathroom sponge cut into smaller bits works just as good!  Paint a blob of each of the two colours next to each other onto the sponge.
All you need to do now is blot your nail with the nail polish on the sponge.  Move the sponge up and down the nail a bit so it blends.  You may have to re-apply more polish onto the sponge depending what sponge you use, as I found it soaked up some of the polish as I blotted! 
Repeat this technique on all your nails.  Don't worry if it gets a bit messy, nail polish remover and a cotton bud will clear it up when you're finished.  To save the hassle of cleaning up afterwards you could take the time to put bits of masking tape around your cuticle and the skin around the nail and you can just peel it off afterwards.
Apply your top coat and you're all done.  So easy!
Give it a try and don't forget to show me pictures of your efforts and variations!  You can use the hash tag #nomechompskinailart on Instagram or show me on Twitter @nomechompski :)
Take care

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